Oakland Vehicle Crimes Attorney
Defending Against Traffic Offense Accusations
A vehicle crime in Oakland can result in more than just a citation and a fine. Depending on the conduct involved, you could be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony and face incarceration as well as a financial penalty. You may also lose your driving privileges. The criminal sanctions imposed for a vehicle crime conviction are severe, but just because you have been accused of an offense does not mean that you are guilty nor that your only option is to accept the penalties. You can fight the allegations, and you can have an aggressive attorney beside you while doing so.
Demetrius has represented hundreds of clients in vehicle crimes cases during his career. From misdemeanors such as driving on a suspended license, to hit and run cases involving injury or death, and even second degree murder charges for DUI resulting in death. Over the District Attorney’s objection, Demetrius has successfully litigated felony hit and runs causing death down to a misdemeanor with no jail time. He also had a second degree murder/DUI (“Watson murder”) dismissed at the preliminary hearing, after convincing the judge that there was insufficient evidence for the case to proceed.
At Demetrius Costy Law, our Oakland vehicle crimes lawyer has over 20 years of criminal defense experience. We have helped thousands of people through complex legal matters and have secured favorable outcomes for past clients. Knowing what it takes to attack the prosecutor's case against the accused, we put our knowledge, skills, and resources to work from the beginning to the end of the process. With a keen eye for detail, our traffic offense attorney will meticulously examine the facts of your case to determine defenses we can raise to seek to protect your rights and future.
To learn how we can help, call us at (510) 254-3945 or contact us online today. Your initial consultation is free.
Types of Cases We Handle
As the term suggests, vehicle crimes involve offenses committed while the defendant was operating a motor vehicle. California's Penal and Vehicle Codes enumerate various types of conduct considered traffic offenses. Regardless of the act, a conviction will result in a mark on the person's driving and criminal record, which can profoundly affect their future.
Our Oakland vehicle crimes attorney recognizes the ramifications of a traffic violation, which is why we do everything in our legal power to seek favorable results for our clients. When you turn to us, we will explain what you have been accused of, the possible outcomes, and, most importantly, your options for fighting the charge. We will be your voice, your advocate, and your dedicated protector as we fight for you throughout your case.
At Demetrius Costy Law, we handle a range of traffic offenses in Oakland, including, but not limited to:
- Hit and run: When a person is involved in an accident, they have a legal duty to provide their contact information to the other driver or passengers. Under California Vehicle Codes § 20001 & 20002, leaving the scene of an accident resulting in injury, death, or property damage before fulfilling this duty is a crime (commonly referred to as a hit and run). The offense can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony.
- Vehicular manslaughter: A person might face charges for this offense if, while operating a vehicle, they caused the death of another person. Under California Penal Code § 192, there are three ways charges can arise: when the driver was acting with gross negligence, when the driver was acting with ordinary negligence, or when the driver intentionally caused an accident for financial gain. Depending on the underlying conduct, the offense is a misdemeanor or a felony.
- Driving with a suspended license: When a person loses their license, they cannot legally operate a vehicle. Under California Vehicle Code §§ 14601, 14601.1, 14601.2, and 14601.5 if they drive in California knowing that their driving privileges were revoked or suspended, they could face a misdemeanor charge.
If you have been accused of any of the offenses above or any other traffic crime, reach out to our Oakland vehicle crimes lawyer. Building a defense takes time, as it requires conducting a careful review of your case.
Fight Your Traffic Crime Charge!
At Demetrius Costy Law, we are ready to put in the time and effort necessary to develop an innovative and compelling defense on your behalf.
Schedule a free consultation with our Oakland vehicle crimes attorney by contacting us at (510) 254-3945. We are available 24/7!